Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Txt it!

Texting is a major part of communication these days, particularly in the youth. No longer do we have to talk on the phone to get out message across. Now its just a press of a few buttons and you can get your message through. Texting has many great advantages that enable people to communicate when a phone call is not an option. For example, if I'm running late to work, I can pop out a text to my boss without even thinking about it. If class ends early, I'm able to text a ride beforehand so I don't have to wait outside in the cold. It's so convenient! Not only is it a matter of convenience, it is also a way to keep in touch. Being the only child left at home and being in a semi-long distance relationship, it enables me to keep in touch with the people in my life without having a phone pressed to my ear every opportunity I get. So, as I view it, texting is a great thing that enables me to communicate is situation where I couldn't communicate before, and also helps me keep in touch with the people I love.


  1. yup I agree I do not know how this wrold would be with out texting.

  2. Missed you in class last night!!!! Were you home texting??

  3. Yeah texting got me through class in high school too!

  4. the point of being late and texting your boss proves the point that texting is important...

  5. I agree there are moments when you just have to text

  6. Texting definately makes long distance relationships more bearable. Its hard to not be able to hold person to person vocal conversations, but having that person at your fingertips is very comforting.

  7. texting is a new way of life..Its kind of sad
