Tuesday, November 2, 2010


My truth was #4! I have been to Canada!

Now about school..

I have never imagined myself not finishing school, but there are many things that keep me motivated to finish. The first and most important is the idea of a future; I know that everyone in school right now is seeking a bright one. And to obtain a brighter future, one must be in school. Another motivation is for the people around me. I hope not only I

My first semester in college is not what i thought it would be. I thought of late nights with pots of hot coffee, and studying until the sun would rise. However, it has been a much different experience. I'm a full time student with a decent schedule. My classes have been good to me, and so has time.

Currently I'm struggling with the idea that I have to write an eight page research paper soon. It will really test the skills I have learned in the class. But other than that, all of my classes are going well, finally! There are still 5 weeks of school before finals, and I cannot allow myself to slip in my classes.

Also, I recently looked at the spring 2010 schedule of courses, and I have already mapped out my next semester at the beautiful Oxnard College!


  1. I hear you on that eight page research paper. But when we really think about it, the paper is actually only four pages. After we double space them it becomes eight.

  2. AND with Essay #4, you'll have three of the pages written, so it's really only a five page paper! What a deal!

  3. yea we will have essay #4 to help us a little. Good thing you have a lot of time like you mentioned.

  4. Your smart for already mapping out your schedule for next semester...I need to do that too!

  5. I am glad you are thinking ahead for your next schedule for college.

  6. You mapped out your schedule for next semester too!? Were on the same page! =] haha

  7. You're a smart kid, i'm sure you'll breeze through the essay, just gotta focus
